A planner and a laptop in the background with text that says 10 harsh truths about chasing goals

10 Harsh Truths About Chasing Goals You Need To Know

Success doesn’t come easy, and chasing goals can feel exhilarating until you inevitably hit a wall. However, it becomes easier when you understand the harsh truths about chasing goals. 

As someone with delusional ambition who doesn’t believe in ‘too big’ goals, I’ve quickly learned the brutal reality that comes with them. Today, I want to share these lessons with you.

So, buckle up for a bumpy ride!

A typewriter with the word 'goals' typed out for the post harsh truths about chasing goals

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The Harsh Truths About Chasing Goals

1. Is it hard? Good.

Every time I tackle something difficult, I feel relieved. I know it sounds strange but the reality is:

Doing something challenging is a great thing because few others will attempt it.

I heard this on an Alex Hormozi reel one day, and it shifted my perspective on struggling. Push through the hard. Be the person who doesn’t stop. That’s what will set you apart.

2. Get acquainted with failure

Failure is unavoidable, unfortunately. It is part of the process and honestly, I welcome it. Why? Because failure is merely a lesson to do better. 

It is a necessary step for growth and learning. Embrace failure in your journey and don’t be deterred when you inevitably face it.

A mock up of my goal planner journal on Etsy
Get the ultimate goal planner here ♥
My Canva vision board templates mockup - desktop and mobile backgrounds. It's perfect to combine with my goal planner journal.
Get your vision board template here ♥

3. Beware of procrastination in disguise

Procrastination comes in many forms and for various reasons. Some reasons include:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of judgment
  • Perfectionism
  • Low self-esteem

But what does procrastination in disguise look like? Waiting for the perfect moment

The right time doesn’t exist; you create it.

4. Consistency > Intensity

We sometimes confuse consistency with intensity. Consistency isn’t about being 100% every single day. I have yet to meet someone who can give 100% of themselves every day.

What matters is that you show up each day, whether it is a 50% day, a 25% day, or a 100% day.

5. Distractions kill

Your success hinges on the distractions you tend to keep around. Identify the distractions holding you back and eliminate them.

Maybe your phone is the problem, or perhaps you have a friend who tempts you with a night out when you should be working. Take charge and minimize the distractions in your life.

6. What do you do when no one is looking?

Anyone can exhibit discipline under scrutiny.  The real question is, what do you do when no one is watching? Do you still put in the same effort when you’re alone?

You can only truly gauge your level of discipline when you are by yourself. Just you and your work. No one else.

7. Without discipline, you’re screwed

Motivation is temporary. You cannot rely on motivation to chase your goals. There will be days when you are not in the mood and that’s when discipline kicks in.

Master the art of discipline. Master the art of showing up when you don’t feel like it. It is discipline that will carry you across the finish line, not motivation.

8. No one cares as much as you do

Nobody cares about your goals as much as you do. It is a personal journey, and that is okay. No one else needs to be as invested in your goals as you are.

Yes, you’ll always have your cheerleaders but don’t expect everyone to stay excited about your goals for hours on end.

9. If you really want it…

If you truly want it, you will do what it takes. If you don’t, you’ll find excuses.

It’s a harsh truth about chasing goals. But it is simple: if you want it badly enough, you will put in the necessary work and go the extra mile.

10. Results don’t come from what you intend to do…

Results don’t stem from what you intend to do but from your actions. Dreaming, wishing, and planning won’t get you closer to your goals.

However, doing the thing is. Read this essay but Stranger Loops for the ultimate motivational boost!


That wraps up my 10 harsh truths about chasing goals. Prepare to confront the realities of going all in and never give up on your dreams ♥.

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Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph ♥

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