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100+ New Year Goal Ideas For a Great 2024

A new year is a symbol of hope. We talk about our dreams and wishes. That is why I compiled a list of more than 100 New Year goal ideas for a great and memorable 2024!

New Year’s resolutions are a hot topic as we enter the end of the year. Well, here’s the thing. Resolutions are neither motivating nor trustworthy. We all know how it goes. You make a resolution and it ends up being a pipe dream.

Goals, on the other hand, are more promising. It is a ‘tangible’ thought of what you are working towards. Thus, new year goal ideas and not resolutions.

Side note: As we progress to the end of 2023, it is time to prepare for 2024. I have a 31-day journal prompt challenge to start you off! Go check it out ;-).

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. 

Why should you set goals?

  • Goals make your dreams more doable. It breaks your vision down into smaller steps.
  • Goals provide purpose. Every human wants a reason to live and goals give your life purpose. Don’t know what your purpose is? Find my quick guide here!
  • It is a motivational factor. Goals motivate you to keep working. Motivation doesn’t last, so we must find a way to push ourselves even when we don’t feel like it. 
  • Goals keep us focused. We can easily lose focus when we don’t keep our eye on the price. That is why we need goals.
  • It creates security. As humans, we long for stability and security. When we look at what we want out of life as a whole, it can be anxiety-inducing. Having a plan and goals for the future will lower that stress.

New Year Goal Ideas For the Boss Babes

  • Start the business you’ve been dreaming about.
  • Get that promotion you’ve been working for.
  • Start an Etsy shop.
  • Graduate with cum laude.
  • Get a scholarship.
  • Apply for that job you’ve always wanted.
  • Improve and update your CV.
  • Get an internship.
  • Do a course.
  • Start a side hustle for extra income.

New Year Goal Ideas Just For YOU

  • Renovate your house or a room in your house.
  • Read an x number of books.
  • Adopt/buy a puppy or kitten.
  • Gain a social media following.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Grow your own veggies and fruit.
  • Do your driver’s license.
  • Start a collection, such as a postcard or a mug collection.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Finally start that YouTube channel you have been too scared to.
  • Capture more memories.
  • Get a signature style or a capsule wardrobe.
  • Grow or cut your hair.
  • Start a 2024 memory jar – through daily/weekly memories that you can open at the end of the year.
  • Learn how to play an instrument.
  • Start a 2024 photo album or scrapbook.
  • Take a photo every day.
  • Make a garden.
  • Go on daily walks or spend more time outside.
  • Do a 30-day challenge.
  • Get a signature scent (this is my favorite at the moment!)
  • Do some volunteer work.
  • Try out a new hobby.

Download the 31- Day Journal Prompt End-of-year Challenge HERE for FREE!

New Year Goals for That Ka-Ching

  • Save an x amount of money.
  • Buy a car.
  • Start investing your money.
  • Put money away in an emergency fund.
  • Buy a house.
  • Get a will.
  • Become debt-free.
  • Donate toward charity.
  • Start thrifting clothes instead of buying new ones.
  • Get life insurance.
  • Set a credit score goal.
  • Create a budget and stick to it. 
  • Get health insurance.

New Year Goal Ideas for the Adventurous

  • Visit a new country.
  • Do your passport.
  • Go on a proper vacation.
  • Do an extreme sport like bungee jumping.
  • Go on a safari.
  • Visit a new city.
  • Go on a spontaneous trip.
  • Learn horseback riding.
  • Feed an elephant.
  • Go on a hot air balloon.
  • Swim under a waterfall.

New Year Goals for Your Mind and Wellbeing

  • Get into therapy.
  • Journal more regularly.
  • Have a weekly self-care routine to recharge.
  • Do morning brain dumps in a journal.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Lower screen time.
  • Do a social media detox.

New Year Goal Ideas for Your Faith

  • Read the whole Bible.
  • Become part of the church.
  • Join a Bible study group.
  • Pray and read the Bible daily.
  • Become actively involved in the church.
  • Give your tithe.
  • Create a gospel playlist (here is the one I’m working on)
  • Spread the word of God with no shame.
  • Become baptized.
  • Take a friend to church.
  • Have weekly Bible study with your family.
  • Pray with your significant other.

Download *FREE* vision board motivational quotes HERE to start prepping for the best year of your life!

New Year Goal Ideas for Your Relationships

  • Visit your family and friends more.
  • Start family game nights.
  • Cut toxic people from your life.
  • Attend more social events.
  • Have dinner at the table every night.
  • Have weekly date nights with your significant other.
  • Get engaged or married.

New Year Goal Ideas for Your Health

  • Join the gym.
  • Exercise x amount of time a week.
  • Reach your ideal weight.
  • Drink x amount of water a day.
  • Stop using alcohol.
  • Get less take-out and cook more.
  • Stop smoking.

New Year Goal Ideas for Getting Your Stuff Together

  • Create a morning routine.
  • Create a night routine.
  • Get up at a certain time every day.
  • Embrace a minimalist lifestyle.
  • Learn how to meal prep.
  • Become more self-disciplined.
  • Start a wreck-it journal.
  • Do a digital declutter.
  • Make the new year your purpose journey.
  • Declutter your house.
  • Become more confident.
  • Make your bed daily.
  • Start a bullet journal.
  • Listen to more podcasts.


Let’s change our resolutions to goals, and dreams to reality this year. Use these 100+ new year goal ideas as inspiration to shape 2024.

May 2024 be one for the books and your best chapter yet!

Love, Steph <3

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