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13 Powerful Habits of Confident Women Who Enjoy Life

Confidence is the most attractive trait anyone can have and I stand by that. So, I decided to incorporate the habits of confident women into my life. 

Confidence has an impact both physically and mentally. 

The best part is anyone can be confident because confidence is a habit, and habits can be learned.

Today I want to share with you 13 Powerful Habits of Confident Women that transformed me into a different person. 

This list will contain both physical as well as mental habits you could implement into your life today.

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Benefits of Confidence

I experienced a huge transformation in my life once I started believing in myself. There are so many benefits to being confident:

  • Confidence is directly linked to success. Every successful person was confident enough to take leaps and create the life they dreamt about.
  • Beauty is an attitude. Nothing is more attractive than a confident woman. How you carry yourself makes the world difference in how anyone perceives you.
  • Increased self-worth. The way you see yourself will change if you are confident. 
  • Improved mental health. Once you are confident, you will experience less anxiety because you will believe in yourself and your capabilities.
  • More thick-skinned. Other people’s opinions will matter less to you because you know your identity.

Powerful Habits of Confident Women: Physical Habits

1. They maintain a good posture

Now, we all slouch from time to time. I know I do, especially if I spend hours behind my computer. 

That being said, the power you radiate with a good posture is immaculate. 

Whenever I am out in public I maintain an upright posture and I do not bluff when I say I feel powerful. People WILL feel your presence in a room, I have noticed it first-hand.

2. Physical Appearance

I know that it might sound like it goes against my previous statement but hear me out…

In the wise words of my mother: If you look good to yourself, you will feel good about yourself. Let’s break this down into three categories.

1. Style

Please do not go out and buy brand-name clothing (which in my opinion screams insecurity). 

Just look put together. Put on clean and neat clothing. In other words, don’t go out in your slippers. 

Extra tip: If you are capable, I would recommend building a signature style. It gives off a more dominant and confident vibe. This is something I am working towards.

2. Look after yourself

Be hygienic and look after your skin. Once again, you don’t need the most expensive products on the market. 

A good skincare routine goes a long way. You didn’t ask but my skincare routine goes something like this:

You’re welcome.

3. Scent

This is neither a necessity nor a habit but it does help with confidence. 

Perfume has the power to instill confidence in a person, I cannot explain it.

3. Body Language

Your body language will dictate how you are being perceived. Closed-off body language will immediately tell people you are not confident.

Some body language habits of confident women are:

  • Never cross your arms in a conversation. It will signify that you are uncomfortable.
  • Face the person you are talking to.
  • Do not fidget. 
  • Keep your head held up or don’t drop your chin.
  • Keep your shoulders back.

4. Eye contact. Eye contact. Eye contact.

This could pretty well have gone under body language but it is so important that I want it to be its own thing. 

The moment someone avoids eye contact I immediately distrust them. They look sketchy. 

Don’t look down, you are not talking to your feet. 

Eye contact shows that you are actively listening to a person. It also establishes self-confidence which portrays a sense of credibility.

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Powerful Habits of Confident Women: Mental Habits

5. Never Raises Her Voice

This is where everyone who knows me shouts, “Practice what you preach!”

I will admit I sometimes have a temper problem. I am working on it though. 

Anyways, a confident woman never has to raise her voice. She stays calm and collected in every circumstance which in turn creates an assertive dominance within a conflict situation.

Bro, I find it impressive that someone can stay cool-headed in an argument. The respect they demand is powerful. (I’ve never used the word ‘bro’ in my life… I don’t know where that came from.)

6. Never Over Explains

Once you realize you don’t have to explain every single thing you say or do, your universe shifts completely.

Girl, you don’t have to say why you declined an invite or why you said no. Be assertive with your statements. You don’t owe anyone anything. 

Over-explaining something can be perceived as compensation or insecurity.

7. Disregard Judgement and Opinions

Being confident means you know your self-worth and who you are as a person. This translates into not caring what anyone has to say about you.

It is also why confident people tend to become successful. When you 100% pursue your passion without listening to the whispers around you, you will reap the benefits. 

Haters will hate your cold shoulder, which makes it even more rewarding.

8. Clear Ambitions and Goals

She knows what she wants and she is going for it.

A confident woman has clear ambitions and goals in life that she strives towards. Confidence is the first step to setting herself up for success.

Have a clear plan for your future and know where you want to be.

9. Don’t Use Foul Language

I am no stranger to the occasional curse word, but that does not mean I like it. 

When people use foul language to express themselves, I see insecurity and a lack of emotional intelligence and elegance.

Oof, this is going to offend people I know. But hey, if the boot fits

10. Trusts Her Intuition

We are likely to ignore our ‘gut’ if we have low self-esteem. A confident woman listens to her intuition and stands steady behind it.

She doesn’t waver under any circumstances because she believes in her instincts.

11. Peer Pressure Who?

Amongst the habits of confident women, I believe this to be one of the most significant habits. 

In today’s society, we are under constant pressure to align with societal standards. We are always afraid of what others would think etc. 

A confident woman does not conform to the pressure. No. Instead, she stands tall and stays true to herself.

12. Sticks to Her Beliefs

A tell-tale sign of a confident woman is that she never wavers on her values and beliefs. No one can persuade her to change.

She is steadfast.

It is so clear to spot someone who is only agreeing with you out of fear of being different. I appreciate it when someone can stick to their beliefs in a conversation without worrying about whose toes they might step on. 

13. Talks with Intelligence

A confident woman listens and speaks with authority and intellect. She doesn’t babble on a topic matter she doesn’t understand.

When she speaks, she speaks with intelligence that mesmerizes a crowd. 

Have you ever met a know-it-all who talks about nothing the whole time? They reek of insecurity. 

Speak up when you understand the matter at hand and when you have something insightful to add.


These 13 habits of confident women can be implemented into your life today. Confidence is a habit. A habit can be learned.

Let me know how these habits have helped you and let’s talk about it!

Have a lovely day.

Love, Steph ♥

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