Woman looking at watch background. Text says: 14 Toxic habits you need to quit immediately to transform your life

14 Insanely Toxic Habits To Quit For A Better You

There are a plethora of toxic habits to quit, and we all have at least a few – even if we don’t realize it. But don’t worry! Today is all about spotting those bad habits and giving you tips to kick them to the curb.

Bad habits can mess with our well-being and health, however, they can be broken. Step 1 is to identify your patterns, then you can counteract them.

So, let’s dive into these 14 toxic habits to quit immediately!

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14 Toxic Habits To Quit For A Better You

1. Neglecting God

I have to start with spirituality. How many times have you skipped reading your Bible or fallen asleep while praying? I’m certain we’ve all done it at some point.

Try these tips to counteract this bad habit:

  • Don’t pray while lying down. Sit upright or kneel beside the bed.
  • Read your Bible the second you get into bed before you scroll or do anything else.
  • Read your morning devotional before you start your day.
  • Set apart a dedicated time for God.

2. Self-Sabotaging

Are you a perfectionist, a control freak, or do you seek external approval? These are a couple of signs that you might be sabotaging yourself.

Self-sabotage is an elaborate topic. Check out this article on how to transform your sabotage into success.

Here are a couple of pointers:

  • Take control of the things you can and let go of the things you can’t – a mindset that increased my emotional intelligence immensely.
  • Acknowledge your wins.
  • Learn to say no.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Break tasks down into smaller chunks.

3. Living On Autopilot

Living on autopilot is when people fall into their daily routines and activities without conscious awareness i.e. they rely on habits rather than living intentionally.

So, how do I get out of autopilot mode?

4. Staying In Your Comfort Zone

Growth and success lie on the other side of your comfort zone. Although your comfort zone feels safe, it’s actually quite the opposite. 

These mindsets will help you break free from the danger zone:

  • There are four zones, the second being the fear zone. Know that fear will be a prominent feature in this process.
  • Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
  • Say yes to experiences.
  • Participate in challenges.

5. Comparison

Girl, you don’t need to compare yourself with anyone. You are fearfully and wonderfully made ♥. Quit this toxic habit.

I know we get sucked into media and everyone’s highlight reels. It’s easy to fall into the comparison game

  • “Why do they get to travel the world?”
  • “I wish I had a body like that.”
  • “They have it so easy.”

My advice?

  • Do a social media detox or rewire your algorithm.
  • Avoid possible triggers.
  • Become your own competition.

6. Negative Self-Talk

I’ve been scolded many times for this 😅. Negative self-talk is a form of self-sabotaging. 

Whenever a negative sentence comes to mind, change it into a positive phrase. Basically, fool your brain into gaining a positive self-talk habit.

What else can you do?

  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Incorporate regular self-care into your routine
  • Focus on what you’re good at
  • Learn how to problem-solve

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7. Procrastination

All aboard the procrastination station!

There are many reasons we procrastinate: fear of failure, perfectionism, self-doubt, etc. Which ones do you recognize?

Procrastination is a toxic habit because it keeps you from succeeding. Here are a couple of ways to get off of this station:

  • Avoid productive procrastination.
  • Plan your goals smarter – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
  • Pick your poison – The pain of regret, or the pain of discipline.

8. People-Pleasing

Are you struggling with this toxic habit? Constantly trying to please others can lead to burnout, loss of identity, and increased anxiety.

How do you overcome people-pleasing?

  • Set boundaries
  • Learn to say no
  • Stop seeking external validation
  • Do not avoid conflict – confront it respectfully

9. Blame Shifting

This is when you shift your responsibility for your own actions onto others i.e. not owning up to your mistakes.

My advice:

  • Learn to take accountability
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Reflect before you speak

10. Defensive Behaviour

I can relate to this toxic habit a little too much 🙃. I jumped on my high horse like I’d just won a gold medal in the ‘I’m Always Right’ Olympics!

I solely have ONE piece of advice for you: Realize the power of calmness.

Your argument (and yourself) looks weak the moment you get defensive. Try staying calm next time and witness the assertiveness and confidence oozing in the room.

11. Picking Up Your Phone Frequently

I looked at my screen time statistics once… Let’s just I was horrified when I saw how many times I picked up my phone daily!

This is an easier toxic habit to quit because it’s physical and practical. So far we’ve only covered mental habits. 

Follow these tips:

12. Bad Sleeping Schedule

Now, I can’t dive too deep into this one. Why?” you might ask. Well, because my sleep schedule is a mess

I am a night owl, so those “Successful people wake up at 5 am” motivational videos don’t really resonate with me (unfortunately). 

I can give you tips, however, I’m not going to be a hypocrite and give advice on something I have not conquered yet.

13. Smoking

Why continually persist in a toxic habit that, knowingly, affects your physical health?

I know smoking is probably one the hardest habits to break – I’ve seen it many times. However, I’ve also seen many people succeeding.

Here’s a couple of practical tips:

  • Exchange your bad habits for a healthy one. For example, whenever you want to smoke, drink a glass of water instead.
  • Get an accountability partner.
  • Avoid your smoking triggers.
  • Use stop smoking aids.

14. Excessive Drinking

I am no stranger to a glass of wine or three. However, I never drink to the point of feeling ill. 

Manage your drinking habits with these tips:

  • Only drink per occasion 
  • Avoid triggers
  • Opt for non-alcoholic beverages like mocktails
  • Drink low-strength alcohol
  • Set a limit for yourself


I barely scratched the surface with most of these toxic habits to quit. Honestly, each point could get its own blog post. Let me know which one you want to see more of in the comments!

Whether you are working on ditching those sneaky bad habits or just exploring new ways to level up, I hope you picked up a few gems to assist you on this journey called life

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Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph ♥

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