A woman relaxing on the coach with text that says - 18 Perfect Sunday Reset Routine Ideas (Includes Free Checklist)

18 Sunday Reset Routine Ideas For The Perfect Day + Checklist

Everyone needs a Sunday reset routine after an exhausting week. It’s a day to nourish your soul, take care of your body, and prepare for another week filled with opportunities!

Sundays are crucial for my health, mentally and physically. If you’re new here – Hi, I’m Steph and I’m a workaholic. So you can say Sundays are my ‘rehab’. I force myself to make it a rest day. Without it, I would’ve been completely burnt out by now!

On the other hand, Sunday blues are real for many people (I’ve been there, and hated it). Therefore, this reset routine can do wonders for you.

Take ideas from this list and create the perfect reset routine for you! Oh, and don’t forget to grab the FREE CHECKLIST at the end.

A woman relaxing on the coach with text that says - 18 Perfect Sunday Reset Routine Ideas (Includes Free Checklist)

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. 

The Ultimate Sunday Reset Routine

1. Enjoy a slow morning

Mornings are jampacked and busy every day of the week. It can get very chaotic (especially if you’re not a morning person)!

Have a slow morning on a Sunday to recharge your soul.  It could look something like this:

  • Wake up without an alarm
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee in bed
  • Make a proper breakfast
  • Listen to soothing music
  • Sit outside and soak in the sun

2. Go to church

Get dressed and attend church – there’s no better way to start your Sunday morning! 

Otherwise, watch a service online if you prefer a slow morning. There are plenty of great pastors on YouTube. I enjoy Morleta Park (however, it’s in Afrikaans). 

It’s the best fuel for the week!

3. Have an everything shower

Girls, you know exactly what I mean! 

Put on your favorite playlist and do the whole process. I’m talking:

  • Washing your hair
  • Putting on a hair mask
  • Shaving
  • Exfoliating to get rid of all the dead cells
  • Bringing out the special pampering body wash
  • Cleansing and putting on a face mask

Literally, the ‘everything shower’!

4. It’s self-care Sunday, hun

I see a self-care Sunday in my near future! I haven’t had one in a long time. Incorporate this Sunday reset routine idea with the ‘everything’ shower for the ultimate relaxing day. 

I have an entire post with 13 self-care Sunday ideas here.

5. Grab your journal

Declutter your mind by brain-dumping everything into your journal. Take 5 minutes to sit alone and write down everything that comes to mind – worries, struggles, memories, and joyful moments you don’t want to forget.

Don’t know what to write about? Well, I have a whole collection of journal prompts you can check out:

6. Enjoy a hobby

Relax by doing a hobby or learning a new skill. Now, I will admit… I’m lacking in the hobby department. However, it’s one of my annual goals to pick up a hobby.

Check out these 41 hobby ideas! Here’s a couple that you’ll find on that list:

  • Gardening
  • Crocheting
  • Candle-making
  • Composting
  • Birding
  • Etc

7. Go for a walk

Get some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. Take the dogs for a walk and really drink in your surroundings. 

Listen to the birds chirping, look at the different tree shapes, shake yourself out of autopilot, and become present.

8. Have some alone time

Take a breather on your own. 

Make coffee, find a cozy spot, and spend time with yourself. I am a firm believer in the power of solo dates. It’s the perfect time to reflect on your past, present, and future.

9. Swipe left on social media

I hope I’m using that right (I’ve never been on dating apps lol). 

Do a digital detox. There are many benefits to taking a break from social media:

  • Improved mental health
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved sleep
  • And more

Related posts that you might like:

10. Create a joy-jar

I absolutely adore this concept!

Start a weekly tradition of writing down a positive experience or a joyful memory from your week on a small piece of paper. Store it in a jar and revisit it later.

11. Plan a side quest

Plan a mini adventure, or as I like to call it a side quest

You can take this in many directions, for instance, a picnic in the park or a photography scavenger hunt in your city. 

I like to create a mini goal as my side quest because we don’t always have the time for an extensive quest. For example:

  • Journal every day
  • Have a healthy week
  • Do a 7-day challenge
  • Etc 

Check out 36 Simple Weekly Goal Ideas To Live More Intentionally here for more inspiration.

12. Get chatting

Call a family member or friend as part of your Sunday reset routine. 

Pick up the phone and make the call or (even better) arrange a coffee date with them for a proper catch-up.

13. Have a hearty meal

We have this thing called ‘Sunday food’ in South Africa and it’s the best! It’s a full-on buffet that includes roast meats, starches, a variety of vegetables, gravy sauce, salads, and sometimes a sweet dessert!

Cook a proper homemade meal on Sundays and make it an occasion.

14. Meal prep

I am not the biggest fan of cooking. I find it extremely stressful. That’s why planning my meals a week ahead is crucial!

Use your Sunday to prep your meals for the week! 

I have a meal planner on my Etsy shop for next to nothing – check it out if you’re interested. Just a tip: I run regular sales so wait for a sale to swing around for even better prices! Also, I give away huge promo codes to my subscribers – you can join here for free ♥.

A showcase of my pastel meal planner on my Etsy shop
Get yours today!

15. Do a digital declutter

I am doing one this week – my digital life is a mess! This is perfect for your Sunday reset routine if you relate.

There is no shortage of things you can do during a digital declutter:

  • Clear your inbox
  • Organize your photos and videos
  • Refresh your playlists
  • Clear your shopping carts
  • Etc

Find your ultimate digital declutter checklist here and download the FREEBIE!

16. Check in on your goals

It is crucial to check in on your goals during life audits and monthly planning. However, it won’t hurt to track your goals every week. This way you can plan accordingly. 

I track my goals and plan my week through Notion. Having all of this on one page is extremely helpful and helps me to stick to my game plan.

17. Set new goals

I have goals set for every week – see it as my stepping stone towards achieving all my yearly goals. 

All of these goals align with my end goal. Well, one of them is my weekly side quest as I mentioned above.

18. Plan your week

Lastly, plan your week as part of your Sunday reset routine. Look, I’m a zero on a contract if I don’t thoroughly plan my week. 

Here’s a speed run of how I plan for productivity:

  • Determine my goals for the week
  • Create a messy to-do list
  • Organize it from highest to lowest priority
  • Schedule tasks for each day

Hot tip: Don’t overdo it! Rather allow too much time to a task than too little.

A mock up of my Sunday reset routine checklist freebie
Download your FREEBIE here ♥


Use these Sunday reset routine ideas for a refreshed week! Start with a slow morning, take care of yourself, and be productive. 

Download the free reset routine checklist here and let me know which ones you’re doing this weekend.

Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph ♥

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