I have read about countless keys to success and they all seem great. However, none of them made an impact on me. You know when you read something and it hits you in the gut. Well, I didn’t experience that.
While I was writing last week’s post (I recommend you check it out), I came up with these 3 keys to success. I realized since I have implemented these keys, I can see my goals come to fruition before my eyes.
That should be a long enough intro ;-). Here are the 3 keys to success in life!

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1. Delusion
This has become my favorite word of 2023, to be honest. Probably because I would describe myself as delusional…
Girl, you have to be delusional to reach success! Show me one successful person who was not perceived as delusional for their outrageous goals.
I want to use Elon Musk as an example. People thought he was crazy when he was a kid because he was building rockets and selling $10 easter eggs to people. He was even tested for being deaf but his mother realized he was just daydreaming about future inventions!
As I got older, I realized I had been living in a delusional bubble my whole life. And it made me happy. As a child, I always told my parents I would be successful one day and make an impact. There wasn’t a thought in my brain that it could not happen. To this day, it is still true.
Post like you are a successful influencer at 200 followers. Walk like you already own a multi-million dollar company. Talk about your dreams like they are surefire.
Drop the ‘maybe’! Change your language.
- Maybe I’ll get there someday.
- I WILL get there.
So yes, delusion is the answer!
2. Consistency
Being delusional and lying on the couch the whole day will not bring you success. You need to weave the keys to success together.
Even though I hate reading about consistency, there is truth to it. In the end, all clichès have truth to them.
You HAVE to show up every single day. In my case, I have to pin at least 20 pins a day and I have to create a post every week.
The good news is, it shows. The results are visible and that, in itself, is motivation to keep pushing forward.
Newsflash: If you aren’t consistent then your dream isn’t that important to yourself.
It sounds harsh. I know. But that is the sentence that brought me back from auto-pilot.
3. Confidence
Confidence and delusion can be confused with one another.
Delusion is believing you can make something happen without having certifiable proof. Whereas, confidence is believing in your heart you can do something even if you fail.
I believe you need to be both. Crazy enough to believe it will happen and confident enough that you will make it happen.
Dreams can be scary. I’ve experienced it. It is because your lifetime goals come in a package that includes fears. The fear of being judged, fear of failure, fear of disappointment.
This is where confidence comes into play.
Be confident enough to look fear in the face and move forward anyway. Trust in your capabilities.
If you struggle with confidence, I can help! Go check out 13 Powerful Habits of Confident Women Who Enjoy Life.
I had so much fun writing this, probably because I have experienced the power of these 3 keys to success.
Be delusional.
Be consistent.
Be confident.
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Have a great week wherever you are in the world.
Love, Steph ♥