A flatlay of a woman on a bed with a healthy drink. The text overlay says: 30 Simple monthly Goal Ideas You Can Achieve In A Month

30 Achievable Monthly Goal Ideas To Enrich Your Life

Looking for a fun side quest to enrich the upcoming month? Boost your productivity and enhance your well-being with these monthly goal ideas. 

I talk about goal-setting (a lot) and how your smaller goals should align with your main goal. However, I love a little side quest to spice up my life.

So why not add a mini-goal to your planner every month? Here are 30 achievable monthly goal ideas you can choose from.

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30 Monthly Goal Ideas

  1. Finish reading a book or two
  2. Pick up a new hobby (here are 40+ to choose from)
  3. Tackle a DIY project
  4. Do a 30-day challenge
  5. Try a new recipe every week
  6. Journal every day
  7. Have daily devotional times
  8. Finish a certain amount of Books in the Bible
  9. Have a self-care day at home
  10. Spend time outside every day
  11. Do a social media detox
  12. Reorganize your closet
  13. Spring clean the house
  14. Make your bed every morning
  15. Do a digital declutter (Find the ultimate guide with a free printable here)
  16. Lower your screen time
  17. Have a take-out free month
  18. Go for a general check-up
  19. Do an alcohol detox
  20. Attempt the no-sugar challenge
  21. Go volunteering 
  22. Visit your family
  23. Have dinner at the table every night
  24. Host a game night at your house
  25. Go out for the day to a park or mall (I will definitely go to a game reserve!)
  26. Do an online course and improve a skill
  27. Make a vision -or mood board
  28. Write a letter to your future self (here’s a step-by-step guide)
  29. Answer these 36 questions to level up your life
  30. Check something off from your bucket list


Setting monthly goals is a great way to keep life exciting. With these 30 fun and achievable monthly goal ideas, you can mix things up and enrich your life.

Pick a few goals and dive in! Share your favorite ideas in the comments below and stick around for more personal development and goal-setting content. Oh, and freebies!

Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph ♥

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