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30 Days of Self-Love Journal Prompts: Become a Better You

Self-love journal prompts are an excellent way to get ideas on what to journal about. Sometimes, I will sit in front of my journal, unsure what to write. That is when I turn to Pinterest and search for ‘journal prompts’.

Journaling is a highly recommended form of self-therapy. The power of journaling is becoming more and more well-known, and rightfully so.

Journaling has helped me understand the noise in my head better. It can be challenging to make sense of hundreds of thoughts racing through your mind. Today we will be focusing on self-love journal prompts. Use these 30 prompts daily for a month as a guide to journaling. Pin this post to look back on later or download the free printable below!

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30 Daily Self-Love Journal Prompts

  1. What moment are you the proudest of?
  2. List 5 traits you love about yourself. 
  3. When was the last time you had a self-care day? Schedule the next one. (See my self-care routine for a refreshed week post here!)
  4. 5 things you are grateful for _____
  5. Who is your person?
  6. What is your favorite compliment to receive?
  7. What is your love language?
  8. Today my biggest victory was ____
  9. Write about your favorite memory.
  10. What/who brings you comfort?
  11. Name your 5 most-liked physical features of yourself.
  12. I feel most alive when _____
  13. What would your younger self say to you now?
  14. Are you happy with your life right now? If not, how can you change it?
  15. Write yourself a thank you letter.
  16. Name your life goals you have already accomplished.
  17. How would your loved ones describe you? 
  18. What does your ideal day look like?
  19. Who do you look up to and why?
  20. What is your favorite quote?
  21. Describe 5 things that make you smile.
  22. What song means the most to you right now and why?
  23. Did you treat your body right today? 
  24. What kind of people do you surround yourself with? Do they benefit my mental well-being?
  25. If today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?
  26. ____ makes my life better.
  27. What is your comfort food? Treat yourself to it tonight. 
  28. Is there something that you need to let go of?
  29. What advice would you give your younger self?
  30. Do I love myself, unapologetically?


You are worthy.

You are priceless.

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Self-love is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. I hope these 30 self-love journal prompts could aid your self-love journey in a small way ♥.

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