A woman typing on a laptop in the background with text that says: Start living intentionally. 36 Simple Weekly Goal Ideas

36 Simple Weekly Goal Ideas To Live More Intentionally

Use these simple weekly goal ideas to bump up your week from ordinary to intentionally extraordinary!

I’ve covered annual and monthly goal ideas but now it’s time for weekly ideas to shine. Whether you want to improve your health, well-being, productivity, or merely engage in a fun side quest, this is for you.

Let’s jump into this 5-minute read of the ultimate weekly goal list.

A woman typing on a laptop in the background with text that says: Start living intentionally. 36 Simple Weekly Goal Ideas

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36 Simple Weekly Goal Ideas For An Intentional Life

Self-Care Goal Ideas

  1. Treat yourself to a self-care day
  2. Go on a solo date
  3. Do a social media detox
  4. Have a tech-free evening
  5. Go on a walk every day
  6. Practice gratitude by writing down 3 things you’re grateful for daily

Personal Development Goal Ideas

  1. Journal every day
  2. Write a letter to your future self
  3. Complete an Ikigai exercise
  4. Do the Wheel Of Life exercise
  5. Make a vision board
  6. Listen to a podcast

Faith-Related Goal Ideas

  1. Finish studying a book  in the Bible
  2. Memorize a Bible verse
  3. Read daily devotionals
  4. Attend a church service

Health And Fitness Goals

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day 
  2. Eat a home-cooked meal every night
  3. Do meal planning/prepping
  4. Sleep 7-8 hours every night
  5. Exercise for 15-30 minutes daily

Productivity Goal Ideas

  1. Declutter your inbox
  2. Plan your week thoroughly
  3. Make a to-do list every day
  4. Organize your workspace
  5. Test a new productivity method such as the Pomodoro technique or the Eisenhower matrix

Leisure Goals

  1. Take a photo every day
  2. Have a picnic
  3. Read a few pages every day
  4.  Start a new creative project
  5. Explore a new hobby

Relationship-Related Goal Ideas

  1. Visit a friend or family
  2. Call a grandparent or parent
  3. Have a coffee date with an old friend
  4. Have an at-home date with your significant other
  5. Reply to all your messages


Improve your well-being, productivity, and spirituality, or add a little side quest with these weekly goal ideas!

Let me know which ones you’re going to try out. 

Remember to become part of the family if you want weekly updates and the password to my exclusive resource library filled with FREEBIES.

Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph ♥

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