Are you ready for deep, powerful self-reflecting questions you can ask yourself to level up?
I went into this idea thinking it would be light-hearted questions. Things like “What is your favorite movie/book/drink?” etc. Boy, was I wrong? This quickly went in another direction…
I LOVE writing my thoughts from prompts. It makes it so much easier. I have a 5-year memory journal for that exact reason and let me tell you, it makes you think. That is why I wrote these powerful self-reflecting questions and included a completely free mini workbook!
Use the mini workbook along with this post to guide you to the best possible experience.
Well, now that I typed an intro that will barely be read by most of you (I’ll admit it, I usually skip to the good parts as well), let’s get into 36 powerful self-reflecting questions to ask yourself to level up.

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them.
36 Powerful Self-Reflecting Questions
1. Are you happy?
Oh my… The MOST cliche question you can think of. But, unfortunately, it is the harsh reality that most people cannot say yes in today’s day and age.
I’ve been bothered by this question for so long, you can say it haunted me. Probably because I could not give a concrete answer. I am sure most of you are in the same boat.
Besides, I realized something. You do not need to be happy 24/7. That question should not be that intimidating. I can say that there are aspects of my life in which I am 100% happy and on the other hand, there are some things I need to work on.
The key is to find happiness in all situations.
If you were happy with every little thing in your life, what would drive you to improve? Just food for thought.
2. What can you do right now to improve your life?
If you landed on this page, you are most likely interested in personal growth and self-reflecting. Which means you want to improve your life.
What does that look like for you? Maybe you need to let go of a bad habit. Maybe you need to improve your lifestyle. There is always something you can improve on.
Identify that thing that keeps you from leveling up in life and conquer it. There is always some small thing you can change today.
3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I enjoy this self-reflecting question a lot. It takes me away to a place I dream of. I can revel in my thoughts about the life I see for myself.
Nonetheless, it can be daunting as well, because you are putting a time stamp on your dreams and goals. The fear of not achieving your goals is as real as chihuahuas are evil.
I did not expect my life to turn out the way it did. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Absolutely not! Life has a way of putting some stumbling blocks in the way. I will lie to you if I said that I fear my clock is ticking, in multiple aspects of my life.
But… I made that a driving force for my goals. I have less time to achieve what I want to, so I just have to work harder for it and want it more than ever before.
“We all must suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret or disappointment.” ~ Jim Rohn
4. How long ago did you look at your annual vision board?
This goes hand in hand with my previous question.
Vision boards are one of the most effective motivating tools you can use. I have been making them for four years now and they have always been desktop backgrounds and my phone’s screensaver. It keeps me accountable.
It serves as a constant reminder of what I wanted to achieve in life. What I should be working towards. What I want my life to look like. So, I ask again, when was the last time you looked at your vision board?
Is your life right now aligned with the outcome you are looking for? If not, this is a reminder to bring that bad boy back into your life. (No not the toxic guy you dated, your vision board).
5. How many goals have you achieved this year?
We are almost halfway through 2023 (it feels unreal). Lowkey just realized that and my heart skipped a beat…
Halfway through a year means it is time for a life audit (which reminds me, I should get working on that post – update: I did.). Life audits are another helpful tool to achieve your goals and most importantly, to track your progress. It is a perfect time for self-reflecting questions.
So, how many? How many goals have you ticked off? Does this question stir something in you? It sure as hell stirred something in me. That means you have not progressed as far as you like. It might sound a bit harsh, but eh, life has never been fair.
6. Is there something you will regret when you are older?
Say hello to one of my main motivating factors (I know it sounds morbid that regret is my biggest motivating factor but it works)!
Fast forward, you are 80 years old and you are retired. Your youthful appearance has worn away. You sit on the porch of an old age home with Eleanor who cannot stop talking about her failing bladder and absent grandkids. Do you know what you are going to be doing?
Reminiscing and reflecting on your life. Do you want to take a chance on regret? How does this self-reflecting question make you feel?
Or do you want to tell Eleanor about everything you achieved? And get one thing straight, if you failed in some of your goals, you can at least say you have tried everything in your power to get there.
7. What are your talents?
Oof, yeah that is a tricky one. I am still not convinced I know what my talents are or if I have any.
Nonetheless, I have an amazing mother that listed them to me. She thinks I am amazingly talented. Now do I agree, maybe not. But she knows how to build my confidence with my projects.
So let us self-reflect on your talents. Before that, I would like to say that I believe talents can be gathered through the years and you are not necessarily born with them.
The one trait that I was known for was my academic achievements. Unfortunately, I rooted my self-worth in it and got hit by reality when I did not have tests to prove that anymore. So I was forced to expand into other things.
That is when I replaced the term talents with passions (that is a total lie, I just came up with that. Well done me.)
Now I am pursuing my passions and I am expanding my knowledge on these topics. These are things like writing, blogging, social media marketing, video editing, and graphic designing. But I still love to give my husband a genetics or chemistry lesson now and again.
8. What was your childhood dream and what are you doing now?
How did I come up with this self-reflecting question? I just posted a TikTok with the trending audio: When I grow up imma be an astronaut. Who said TikTok could not be self-reflective?
It stirred something in my brain. Was your childhood dream to be a doctor or maybe go to the military? Even so, you ended up with a desk job.
We should know that it is okay to not be what your 10-year-old self wanted. As long as you find joy in what you end up doing.
I made a 180-degree turn from my childhood dreams. I was convinced I wanted to be a wildlife vet or field guide in the Kruger National Park. But I ended up with an Animal Science degree that I am not using and trying to bring a blog and gaming channel to life. Do I think about what if I made different choices? 100%. But I do find joy in what I do.
9. What do you want in a partner?
I contemplated not adding this to the list of self-reflecting questions because I was not convinced it fit the narrative. But hey, why not?
I recommend making a list of what you are looking for. Decide on your standards right now and do not bend for anyone who does not meet them.
Now, I do not mean you should put a 25-year-old who makes six figures a month on your list. I mean traits you want in a partner. Things such as loyal, good-hearted, hardworking, etc. Someone with the same values and beliefs as you. Someone who wants the same things out of life as you.
You must align with each other. Do not waste your time with someone who does not meet your criteria, you will only end up heartbroken.
10. Who do you confide in and why?
This was one of my self-reflecting questions in my 5-year memory journal.
We all need a venting partner, ultimately that is what it means. There is someone you trust to share your deepest and troubling thoughts. This person usually understands your hurt and says the right things. You do not need to keep a brave face in front of them.
If you do not have that someone, I recommend you find them. I have a few people I would go to in a heartbeat. But it depends on what is troubling me. Some topics I feel more comfortable and understood by one person and others by another.
I confide in my dogs no matter what! Nevertheless, a support group is crucial.
11. What kind of people are you surrounding yourself with?
The company we keep reflects in the people we are. Let go of the toxic people in your life.
One of the first things they teach you in genetics is that you are a combination of 50% genetics and 50% environment. That means that the person you are today was and still is greatly influenced by your environment. That includes the people who have an impact on your life.
12. Do you believe in a Higher Power?
This is probably one of the most crucial self-reflecting questions you can ask yourself and that you should ask yourself within your lifetime.
For me, 100%. God is real. I witness His presence in my life daily. Without Him, I will be lost. The joy I experience because of Him cannot be put into words. I can speak to Him at any time about everything, big or small and I know He listens.
Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
13. Are you on track with your goals?
Have you forgotten? Or maybe said, “I’ll start tomorrow.” Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes.
I have stepped into that trap multiple times!
- “I’ll start waking up earlier tomorrow.”
- “One more day won’t make a difference.”
- “What will another cheat meal really do?”
Yes, I’ve been there. My excuses triumphed over my goals. That is why I cannot afford to skip one day of my new routine. I cannot afford to indulge in a whole pack of nerd gummies because I lack that self-control (it sucks)! That’s why I don’t buy them anymore.
Always remind yourself of the bigger picture and how you will feel when you make it. Let these self-reflecting questions fuel your determination.
14. Do you love yourself?
So? Do you?
Are you satisfied with the person you see in the mirror? Or are you breaking yourself down every time you see yourself?
It is important to like who you are, both interior and exterior-wise. You are the person you spend most of your time with. No, all of your time.
15. What habit should you stop?
Do you have an unhealthy habit?
Maybe it is smoking or takeout food five times a week. It can also be something like negative thinking.
We should note our shortcomings. I am aware of my bad habits and I am making a point to work on them. Do not be blind to your own mistakes.
16. What morals will you never compromise?
I could change this question to “What are your morals?” But just because we have certain morals does not mean we will never compromise them.
I want you to take a minute (or five) and think about this.
For example, let’s say purity is one of the biggest morals you value. Then you should never put yourself in a position where you feel pressured to compromise it.
Remember the value of your morals and never back down from them. No one is worth bending your morals for.
17. What is your purpose in life?
I quite literally battled with this question for years! Do you want to know how I tried to figure it out? It’s a very true and hilarious story.
I was legit sitting and doing online personality quizzes… I know, I am cringing writing this. To make it even worse, I took notes on the results… It’s embarrassing.
It didn’t help. But passion fuels purpose.
I recommend using these 3 tools to find your purpose!
18. How many hours do you spend on your phone daily?
I have a love-hate relationship with technology.
In some ways, our lives are enriched and made easier but on the other hand… Technology started rotting the core of humanity.
Young people fall under the pressure of social media because suddenly we can see the best part of people’s lives internationally. Families do not spend quality time together anymore. Unrealistic standards are part of our daily lives now.
I can get exceptionally passionate about screen time. But the message I want to get through is to schedule times when you disconnect from your phone and connect with the people around you.
Self-reflecting questions and evaluations are more crucial than ever with the rapidly evolving social media.
19. When was the last time you took a risk?
Now, don’t make any important decisions in haste.
I’ll keep this one short: There is no reward without risk.
20. What is your biggest insecurity?
If we know our insecurities, we can work on it.
For the longest time, it was my crooked teeth. I got it fixed when I saved enough money. Now it is my weight, so I have a healthier eating habit. (I am still insecure about my frown lines though… And although Botox is an option, it is something that I am trying to accept rather than fix.)
Insecurities should not stop you from achieving greatness.
21. What is your most controversial take?
I am not elaborating on this. I have plenty that most people would not agree with and most definitely get angry at.
However, I know my opinions and the reasons for them and I will stand behind them. So what is your answer to this self-reflecting question?
22. When was the last time you received or gave a compliment?
Now, my love language is not words of affirmation. But it never hurts to compliment someone and it sure as hell never hurts to receive one.
A compliment can make an impact on your day. It can make a bad day easier. So don’t be frugal with your compliments.
23. Do you spend money recklessly?
I might be stepping on toes when I venture into financial topics. However, can you say your spending habits are healthy or should they improve?
This could go the other direction as well (aka my direction)… Are you too frugal for your own good?
24. When was the last time you were grateful for small things?
It hit me with a bus when I realized I overlooked the small things. I am always quick to be grateful for the big milestones in my life.
I’ll use an example, one that I absolutely love to use. Water. When was the last time you were grateful for running water in your home or clean drinking water? Some people do not have that… It breaks my heart to see people waste it. Why should you keep the tap running when you are brushing your teeth?
Be grateful and don’t take anything for granted.
25. Do you care about other people’s opinions about you?
There is no wrong or right answer. I think it is okay either way. As long as it is healthy.
Take, for instance, my parents. Their opinion about me means the absolute world to me. I do not want to be a disappointment. But in the same breath, my value as a human does not solely come from their opinion about me.
26. What can you do to improve your confidence?
I must confess, I do ride a seesaw on this one. Sometimes I am overflowing with confidence and other times I want to hide from the world.
Nevertheless, the times I am confident makes me feel capable of anything and everything. The goal is to stay on that side of the seesaw and the first step is to start liking what you see in the mirror.
27. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I thought I should sprinkle a lighthearted question in here. It is very entertaining to me to hear others’ pet peeves. Let me know what yours are in the comment section!
I think we have confirmed that mine is a running tap.
28. What is your biggest fear?
Another lighthearted one, although it can get extremely deep. Self-reflecting questions should not make you anxious but stir an eagerness inside of you to grow.
Usually fear keeps us from stepping outside our comfort zones. Unfortunately, I believe comfort zones are dangerous zones… But that is a topic for another post.
If you wanted to know (which you most definitely do not), I have a huge fear of crocodiles. They are absolutely horrendous and this is coming from someone who lives for the existence of animals.
29. Is there someone you need to forgive?
Forgive who you need to forgive. Life is too short and unpredictable to hold grudges.
It is one of the most difficult things anyone can do but it is also one of the most freeing things.
30. Is there something you need to let go of in your past?
This question relates to the previous one.
We all have pasts. We all made mistakes at one time or another. But that should not have a foothold on how you spend the rest of your life. You have to try and keep the past in the past. Don’t let it haunt you.
Let go.
31. What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?
Wow, we need a fun question after that one…
Comment down below what your 5 things are. I am a sucker for bucket lists! It also functions as inspiration and motivation. There is no way I am leaving this Earth before I have completed my top 5 at least.
It motivates me to continue working hard and making it a reality. I am not on this planet to live a lackluster life.
Here is a fall bucket list in case you are interested!
32. What is your biggest what-if?
Ugh… I hate this question so much! I am the queen of what-ifs. Which makes me the queen of indecisiveness.
What-ifs have an unnecessary foothold in our lives. I am hyperaware of every decision I make and the impact thereof.
It is something I need to improve on because, unfortunately, I still have one huge what-if that haunts me (I am realizing I might need these self-reflecting questions for myself).
33. What advice would you give your future self?
I wrote a letter to myself at the beginning of this year and I can open it at the end of the year (Update: I opened it and I 100% recommend you do this). It is not so much related to the question but wait, I am getting there.
Write a letter to yourself in 3,5 or 10 years. I am planning on doing this. Write down your advice, hopes, and dreams. Let it marinate and you might just be surprised about what your past self said.
Another suggestion is to get my self-reflecting questions mini workbook. Fill that out and read it in a couple of years.
34. Do you compare yourself to others?
Please don’t.
You are a unique human being. Out of all the people that ever roamed this Earth, there have been none like you.
It is easier said than done. I get it. I still fall into that trap on occasion.
35. Do you love what you do?
Does your current career choice make you happy? Or does it leave you miserable when you get home?
I know not everyone is fortunate enough to do what they love for a living. But you should not be miserable. Find things that bring you joy and never give up on the pursuit of happiness.
Love what you do and you will never work for a day in your life.
36. Why did you look up questions to ask yourself?
You did not expect that one, did you?
Seriously, why did you? There is a deeper reason than “I was bored”.
- Are you looking to self-reflect?
- Do you feel like a stranger to yourself?
- Do you feel lost?
If you do feel lost, don’t keep quiet. My emails/DMs are always open.
Conclusion on self-reflecting questions
I enjoyed this little convo we had. I went into this post thinking it was going to be an easy and quick post… Lol. It was not.
These questions hit me on a different level. I self-reflected with each question I typed and it ended up meaning a lot to me.
I hope these self-reflecting questions could find the answers you were looking for.
Find the printable template here and start filling in those questions!
Cheers to a good one!
Love, Steph.