A blog post about powerful mindset shifts you need to make for success

8 Powerful Mindset Shifts You Need to Make for Success

The right attitude is the secret ingredient to anyone’s success story. Mindset shifts are the first step towards building the life you want.

Why is it so important, you might ask? Motivation is not reliable. There are a few things that have stuck with me through the years, and this is one of them. Motivation does not last. You need to be able to show up when motivation is lacking. Therefore, mindset shifts are crucial.

There are a lot of different categories in which you can change your mindsets. However, I will be focusing on mindset shifts for success. 

What does success mean to you? Everyone’s definition of success differs and there are no wrong answers. For me it means freedom. To do whatever I want, whenever I want without having to worry. Therefore, my definition of success aligns with entrepreneurial success. 

If you can relate to any of the above, this post is for you. Here are 8 powerful mindset shifts you need to make for success. 

Some of these shifts might sound unconventional but they worked for me. I am extremely passionate about this subject and I hope it shines through. Thank you for being here ♥.

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them.

8 Powerful Mindset Shifts You Need to Make for Success

1. Stop caring

I mean it. Why do you care what anyone else says about you? Your goals have absolutely nothing to do with them. 

It is personal. 

The things I want out of life are personal. The goals I set are personal. My reasons are personal.

If others’ opinions are what is stopping you, you should re-evaluate. Start that Etsy shop, post on Youtube, and create a blog (I suggest WordPress powered by Bluehost). You are the only one that will regret not trying.

The only people that will judge you are the people that are too scared to do what you do.

2. Treat it like a job

You need to show up. 

If you really want to make a success, your mindset needs to shift. This is especially true if you are trying to build your own brand.

It shouldn’t be a side hustle or hobby. It should be treated as a full-time career, even if you do not get paid. 

Coffee with Steph is not a hobby. I didn’t start this brand because I am a bored housewife looking for a purpose. This is my purpose. Read here if you want to know how to find your purpose.

3. Love the journey

Do not focus on the destination, because you will get demotivated. Your journey will be filled with ups and downs.

Success is not linear.

Learn to love the journey. Focus on one step at a time. That is the only way forward.

I mentioned these 3 mindset shifts on my Instagram last week. If you want more content and content teasers, be sure to check it out!

4. You don’t need to explain yourself

This falls under the same category as point number one, but it is too important to not make it, its own point. 

Out of all the mindset shifts, this is the most recent one I have been working on.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation, or even an answer. I rarely tell anybody about my blog, and when I do I keep it subtle.

No, I am not ashamed of it. I just believe in this quote:

“Work in silence, let success make the noise.”

No one needs to know what you are up to. 

I am a housewife, currently. The number one question I get asked (also the most annoying question) is, “What do I do with myself all day?” 

Honestly, I give the most vague (and probably awkward) answer I can. 

People don’t need to know. As I said, it’s personal.

5. Failure is good

Failure sucks, but it is good to fail. 

Here are a few reasons:

  • We learn more from our failures than our success 
  • Failure allows us to push our capabilities further
  • We create better successes when we went through failures
  • It teaches determination
  • We appreciate our wins more

6. Be a little grandiose

See what I meant by unconventional

Grandiosity means to have an elevated sense of self-importance. 

Out of all of the mindset shifts, this one is the most unconventional. Let me explain.

You have to be a little batsh!t crazy to be determined enough for success. You have to believe in yourself more than anyone else does.

I might be throwing myself under the bus here… But I am a little too confident in my capabilities. And you know what? It works for me.

I am so sure I will get the life I want, this mindset gives me the determination and confidence to pursue it without slowing down.

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7. Be aware of your self-sabotage

Stop it. 

Don’t talk to yourself like that. 

Negative self-talk is my main form of self-sabotaging. Some days I will be less forgiving of myself and just want to play The Sims the whole day. 

I hold myself up to very high standards and always have. Which means I set myself up for frequent self-sabotaging. This is a topic that can last for days, but I will keep it short.

Become self-aware. Start noticing when you are self-sabotaging. That is the only way you can fight it.

8. Let go of perfectionism

Perfectionism in itself is a form of self-sabotaging. One I am too familiar with.

Perfectionism has kept me from pursuing a lot of things I wanted out of life. Letting go of it, is a freeing experience.

I am still aware of it in my life, it is not a personality trait I can wish away. It comes with my impossibly high standards.

But it is something you can manage. It does not have to stand in your way of success.

Conclusion on mindset shifts

These are the 8 mindset shifts that really made a difference in my life. It may be a little unconventional, but I stand by them.

Change your mindset today and start working towards the life you want for yourself. 

I am looking to write another mindset shift post in regard to personal growth. Let me know if you would like to see that in the comments below.

Lots of love ♥

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