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The 7-Day Self-Love Challenge to Reset | Free Printable

Self-love is an increasingly popular topic due to more stressful environments and social media. We need to hit the reset button occasionally, and what easier way than with a self-love challenge? 

Self-love challenges come in many forms. However, the crux remains the same: To grow an appreciation for oneself and become happy within oneself.

Most challenges last for a month, but I decided on an easy 7-day challenge for the busybodies and those who’d prefer a quick reset

The challenge is ideal for Valentine’s week (I’m posting this the week before); however, you can apply it throughout the year. 

Let’s get into the 7-day self-love challenge to reset! Oh, and don’t forget your FREE  template on your way out! You can find it at the bottom of this post. 

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. 

1. Day 1: Self-love journal prompt

Of course, we are starting this self-love challenge slowly with a laid-back journal sesh. Journaling is an activity that should be a habit due to all the benefits:

  • Improves mental health
  • Lowers anxiety
  • Clears your mind
  • Increase emotional intelligence
  • Boosts memory
  • And much more

However, we don’t always know what to journal about. Luckily, we have access to journal prompts, guided journals, etc. 

Here are some inspiration for your day 1 challenge:

  • List 5 things you like about yourself
  • Describe your proudest moment
  • I feel most alive when _____
  • Name 5 things that make you smile
  • What advice would you give your younger self?

You can find 25 more self-love journal prompts here (which includes another freebie, obviously)! 

2. Day 2: Go for a walk

Nature walks are an activity that brings clarity and balance into our lives. It grounds you and recharges your soul.

However, not all of us have the luxury to live on nature’s doorstep, but instead in a concrete jungle. No matter in which bracket you fall, I still recommend going for a walk. 

Take it all in when you’re outside. Don’t use your phone, not even to listen to music. Take some deep breaths and be present. 

Use the 5 senses method to deepen the experience:

  • Name something you can see
  • What can you smell?
  • Touch the tree bark or grass
  • Listen and name the things you can hear
  • I won’t recommend tasting something! Maybe take some deep breaths instead :-D.

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3. Day 3: Buy yourself flowers

As Miley said, “I can buy myself flowers.” 

I love a main character moment, and this is definitely it! Stop at the shops on your way back from work and buy yourself flowers. 

Put it in a place where you can admire it, every day. Self-love is about the small things in life. 

You can enrich your self-love journey by romanticizing your life. Here are 18 simple ways you can romanticize your life today!

4. Day 4: Cook a home-cooked meal

Fast food might be easy, but nothing measures up to a hearty home-cooked meal!

Cook your favorite meal or try a new recipe. When I think of a hearty meal, I immediately think of rice, chicken, and a variety of vegetables (we call it Sunday food in South Africa). 

5. Day 5: Have a self-care day

This self-love challenge could be used interchangeably as a self-care challenge too. So, why not through in a self-care day in the mix?

 Self-care days do not have to be extensive or expensive. There are many different activities you can indulge in, such as:

  • The bath (girls, you know which one I’m referring to)
  • Create atmospheric lighting and read
  • Do a face mask
  • Cozy up in fluffy pajamas
  • Give yourself a manicure
  • Etc

Are you looking for a more extensive self-care routine? Well, here are 10+ inexpensive self-care night routine ideas with a FREE checklist. Or, check out this self-care Sunday routine.

Day 6: Do a relaxing hobby

Everyone needs at least one hobby. Hobbies are a great stress reliever and perfect for ‘me-time’, which makes them terrific for our self-love challenge.

Aspire to learn a couple of hobbies a year. This year I am focused on photography and crochet (wish me luck with the latter). 

Hobbies aren’t necessarily time-consuming or expensive. You can enjoy your hobby for an hour or so at night when the day calms down.

If you don’t have a hobby, you can try these:

  • Knitting
  • Potpourri making
  • Pottery
  • Birding
  • Gaming
  • Learn a new language
  • And more

Don’t like any of these recommendations? Here is the ultimate list of 40+ hobbies to try!

7. Day 7: Go on a solo date

Solo dates are a great way to end this 7-day self-love challenge!

A solo date is when you do something for yourself by yourself. I used to have regular coffee dates with myself. I used these times to check in with myself and gain clarity.

And the great thing is you don’t have to leave your house! Solo dates could be a pizza, movie, and wine night at home. 

If you’d like to leave your house, you can go to a restaurant or a day trip to a nature reserve, etc.

Download your *FREE* printable here!


Take a week of your life and do the 7-day self-love challenge to show yourself appreciation. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, and there is no wrong way to do it.

Download this self-love challenge and tag me on Instagram as you cross every block this week! 

May this challenge help you see your worth. You are loved <3.

Love, Steph

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