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How To Do A Life Audit in 2023

Do you want more out of life? Do you dream of success and financial freedom? Do you feel stuck? You can change all that today if you know how to do a life audit!

Luckily, I am here to guide you through a simple and efficient life audit. 

December is my favorite time of year. Not only is it time for togetherness and Christmas, but it is also the season of hope.

What do I mean by the season of hope? Well, we are about to close another chapter in our lives. We reflect on our mistakes, wins, and growth. It is also the time when we plan for the year to come. 

It is time for a life audit.

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to do a life audit for a successful 2024. It is time to take action.

As always, my emails are open for further questions or guidance <3.

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. 

What is a life audit?

First, let’s start with the basics.

A life audit is a process in which you reflect on your life and plan your future. It is a full review and evaluation of your current circumstances concerning relationships, finances, career, health, etc.

It is a tool that you can use frequently to check back in with yourself and to take note if you are still on track with your action plan.

Resources to do a life audit

There is no right way to do a life audit, however, I do suggest using the following resources and tips:

  • Put aside 2-3 hours: A life audit shouldn’t be rushed in order to get the most out of it.
  • Do it in complete silence: Get rid of any distractions. It should just be you and your mind.
  • A journal or notebook: This step-by-step process will be the most effective if you write it down. Not only can it be used as motivation when you feel down in the dumps, but it is also important to keep it safe so you can look back at it at your next life audit.
  • Stationary: Have your pens, highlighters, stickers, etc ready. We all love making journals pretty!
  • A cup of brew: No life audit is complete without a cup of coffee!

How to do a life audit in 2024

Now that we have the nitty gritty behind us, we can move on to the more fun things. The actual step-by-step guide to the ultimate life audit!

I was extremely excited to write this post but postponed it for weeks. The reason being, that I wanted to do my life audit first. That way, I could improve and figure out the most efficient technique.

Score your year

I recently discovered the ‘wheel of life’. It is the perfect concept to begin your annual life audit with. 

The wheel of life is a visual representation in which you can score all aspects of your life and evaluate where improvements are needed.

Edit: I’ve just written a FULL guide to the Wheel of Life AND it includes a *new version* of the FREE printable! Check it out here.

Rate all these categories based on your satisfaction with them this year on a scale of 1-10. 

  • Career – fulfillment with work
  • Physical – happiness regarding physical health, eating and sleeping habits, etc
  • Finance – satisfaction with spending habits, budgets, etc
  • Mental – mental health wellbeing
  • Spiritual – satisfaction with relationship with God
  • Recreational – happiness with leisure time, hobbies, and memories made
  • Social/relationships – satisfaction with connections and social life
  • Environmental – satisfaction with immediate surroundings

I made a *FREE* printable of the “Wheel of Life” for you to download! Feel free to use it as an aid in your life audit.

Life audit reflective questions

Another way to put 365 days into perspective is via reflective questions. 

Pick up your journal and take some time to reflect on these questions. We have to evaluate the past before we can, efficiently, plan the future.

  • What were your wins and losses this year?
  • Describe this year in one word.
  • What was your biggest lesson?
  • What was your proudest moment?
  • Do you have any habits you need to change?
  • Name 5 things you are grateful for.
  • Do you have any regrets? How can you change that next year?
  • Are you happy right now?

Evaluate last year’s vision board and goals

Check which goals you achieved and which you didn’t. Elaborate why you might have missed some goals.

I use goal categories to make it easier to look back on and evaluate, such as:

  • Mental health
  • Spirituality
  • Personal
  • Career
  • Finance
  • Physical Health

Reflect on those categories, respectively, in three lines. All you need to write for each category is:

  • What did I accomplish?
  • What didn’t I?
  • Why?

 You do not have to write an essay on every goal you set.

Reply to your letter

I wanted to share this one as a bonus with you. I didn’t realize the impact this would have on my life when I wrote myself a letter at the start of the year to read at the end of this year.

In January 2023, I wrote my future self a letter. When I read it, I laughed and cried simultaneously. 

I didn’t realize how far I’d come in one year. If you wrote yourself a letter, reply to it.

Don’t know how to write a letter to your future self? I just finished a step-by-step guide with an example to guide you through it! Check it out here.

What does your level 10 life look like?

I could write pages and pages about all my dreams! There is no shortage.

I don’t want you to limit yourself. Write anything and everything your heart desires. 

This exercise might sound redundant in a life audit, but it is actually essential.

  • It will guide you when you start planning your 2024 goals to stay on the right track.
  • It also serves as a remembrance and motivation for why you are doing certain things.

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Hello and welcome to my August monthly recap! The series about spilling the tea and sharing my new goals. Oh August, what …

Plan your goals (finally)

Now that we reflected on our past and dreamt about our futures, we can plan the stepping stones for a successful year. 

Write down your goals per category. You can use the categories I stated above or customize them to your life. 

A few tips:

    • Do not create too many goals – you will only cause yourself stress and leave you unmotivated.
    • Use the SMART method. I’ll touch on it briefly because I already covered it here. But, basically, the SMART method is five key points your goals must align with to be optimal.
      • S – Specific
      • M – Measurable
      • A – Achievable
      • R – Relevant
      • T – Time-bound

Use this method to create a game plan. Goals are just dreams if you do not have a plan to execute them. 

Word of the year

Oh, I love doing this! 

I choose a word or a theme every year. See it as the title to a new chapter in my life’s book

This word summarises all my main goals into one emotion or feeling. For example, my word for 2023 was “content” – meaning in a state of peace, because my main goal surrounded mental well-being. My word for 2024 is “determination” because my main goal is based on my career.

Comment your word of the year down below!

Make your vision board

This is by far my favorite part! 

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals to serve as a reminder and motivation of what you want out of life.

A lot of sources will talk about it as a tool of manifestation or a law of attraction, but I do not believe in any of that. My vision board serves only one goal. And that is to motivate me.

There is no wrong way to make a vision board. I have a vision board series right now if you are interested and want to know more! 

I will link the series here as it comes out, so be sure to pin this post for future reference!

Here is my 2024 vision board for some inspiration <3.

Mood inspo

Write yourself a letter

Of course, we need to write a letter again!

You can only open this letter in December 2024. It doesn’t need to be long.

Let me know if you want a guide on how to write a letter to yourself! I can make that happen ♥. (And I did).



Ask for God’s blessing over the goals you set. Ask Him to guide you.

I want to pray with you.

God, O Mighty

I ask Your blessing over every person reading this article.

I pray that You will guide them through 2024. That You will carry them over any mountain that may come their way.

I pray that You will show them their purpose and the God-given talents You gave them to accomplish it.

May we honor you in everything we do. 

In God’s name alone.



We are at the end of our 2023 life audit! I cannot believe how the time flies.

I hope this life audit guide was useful and helpful to you. Remember to send this to your accountability partner!

Also, join the go-getter tribe for awesome freebies!

Have a great day wherever you are in the world!

Love, Steph <3

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