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How to Stick to Your Goals: 8 Ways That ACTUALLY Works

Have you set goals for the new year and end up ditching them? If so, you need to learn how to stick to your goals, and this is the perfect post for you!

A new year brings so much hope and dreams into our lives. However, it can create a haze. We feel motivated and make big plans, only to be disappointed at the end of January when our goals are not as fun anymore. 

Suddenly, you skip your workout days and get too busy to learn the new hobby you were excited about. 

Are you tired of being disappointed in yourself? Do you want to make yourself proud? I had to ask myself these two questions when I struggled with sticking to my goals. 

I used these 10 tips to teach myself how to stick to my goals, and it ACTUALLY worked! I have never been more determined to make my dreams come true. Today, I want to share them with you.

This post might contain affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them.

The Problem: Why are you not sticking to your goals?

To find a solution, we need to identify the problem.

What are the root causes of your problem? There could be many reasons you are ditching your goals, such as:

  • A bad habit of procrastinating.
  • You lack self-discipline.
  • Mental health complications.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • A negative mindset.
  • Fear of failure or judgment, or
  • You operate on a poor system.

Now that you know the problem, you can fix the above and learn how to stick to your goals.

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The Solution: How to stick to your goals.

These 10 tips are my golden recipe for success. I cannot see why your goals aren’t surefire if you use this list.

1. Plan smarter

You cannot achieve your goals if you don’t plan them. You will be like a headless chicken scrambling to an endless destination.

Goal setting is a cornerstone. I use one method only when I plan my goals. I am sure you’ve heard of it. It’s called the SMART method. You can use it in any area of your life.

SMART goals are an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relative, and Time-bound. 

In short:

  • Specific: Your goals need to be described in detail. Focus on that area and hone in on it.
  • Measurable: You need to be able to put a quantitative value to your goal to measure your progress.
  • Achievable: Your goals shouldn’t be unrealistic. You might not be able to reach your simple homestead living aspiration now, but you can learn to grow your veg, etc.
  • Relative: There has to be a meaning to your goal. It has to align with your values and contribute to your purpose.
  • Time-bound: This one is the most important, personally. You need to accomplish your goal in a given time frame. Otherwise, you might as well be a headless chicken with no destination.

Let me know if you want an in-detail blog about the SMART method with examples; I will gladly oblige!

2. Use helpful tools

Many things could help you stay on track with your goals. You can draw these out with your hand or use other digital formats, but I have been getting back into Notion lately. 

Habit Tracker

I have designed a habit tracker on Notion and will add a screenshot below. A habit tracker is a digital or physical diagram on which you can tick off daily tasks.

It is a great way to keep yourself accountable and to stay motivated. Who doesn’t love ticking off a list? 

You can place the dates on the y-axis and the tasks on the x-axis. I check my habits off on my phone or PC, daily. My design is simple, but many different designs are more creative. Check out Pinterest for a design that suits your needs.

If you want a FREE downloadable habit tracker, check this out!

Habit tracker Notion screenshot

Goal tracker

A goal tracker is another page I use on Notion. It is simple yet effective to use: 

  • You list your goals under the “To Do” tab.
  • Then it moves to the “Doing” tab when it is in progress.
  • Finally, you can move your goal to the “Done” tab when you accomplish it.
Notion goal tracker screenshot

Bonus tip: You can also use a monthly goal list on Notion to break my big goal into smaller steps. 

Do you want a Notion guide? Let me know in the comments!

3. Get an accountability partner

There are many ways to hold yourself accountable (you can read more about this here). One of which is an accountability partner.

An accountability partner helps you stick to your goals and checks in on your progress. 

Find a partner who wants one in return; you can motivate each other and take it seriously. Schedule a weekly coffee date and discuss your goals. Motivate and praise each other accordingly.

4. Do regular audits

Audits are crucial to stick to your goals. It is when you evaluate your goals weekly, monthly, quarterly, mid-yearly, and annually.

During these audits, you can see where you performed and slacked. You can improve your strategy and plan your next steps.

Every audit does not have to be an intense exercise. My weekly and monthly audits are quick. However, my mid-year and annual audits are much more in-depth! 

Read these for detailed guides to life audits:

In short, here are a few things you can do during an audit:

  • Ask questions.
    • Did I accomplish what I wanted to?
    • What was my biggest obstacle?
    • Are my goals still relevant?
  • Migrate the goals you haven’t achieved; yet.
  • Reschedule.
  • Schedule your next review.

5. Create a reward system

Positive reinforcement is a fantastic motivator! Allow yourself a treat with every milestone you reach.

I used this all the time when I was in Uni. I reward myself with a snack or a break after a certain amount of studying. 

Treat yourself to a cup of coffee, an episode of your favorite series, or a spa day whenever you reach a goal. Now, this is how you stick to your goals!

A mock up of the freebies I have on my blog
Click on this photo to get the key to the library today!

6. Mindset is everything

Your mind is more powerful than you may anticipate. You have to have the right mindset to achieve your goals. 

Use these mindsets to change your perspective:

    • Welcome failure – many of us avoid pursuing and sticking to our goals due to the fear of failure. However, failure is a teacher. If we fail, we learn. We can improve our strategies and build the knowledge to perform better. 
    • Forget about motivation – motivation is unreliable. You need to wake up every day and decide to pursue your goals. Don’t wait for motivation; it will come but rarely stays.
    • Procrastination is a habit – You are NOT a procrastinator. You have the HABIT of procrastinating, and you can break habits. Use Mel Robbin’s 5-second rule: If you have the instinct to move on to your goal, do it in 5 seconds; otherwise, your brain will kill it.

7. Consistency is key

A cliche is a cliche for a reason. It works. 

Stay consistent with your goals and you will see results, no matter what type of goal you have. Don’t give up.

You need to be hungry for your goal. Success is about showing up, and that is how you stick to your goal. 

How can you stay consistent?

  • Create a routine.
  • Focus on the process, and not the goal.
  • Break your goals into smaller steps.
  • Use habit trackers and timelines.
  • Get an accountability partner. 
  • Have a purpose.

8. Have a purpose

You’re put on this Earth on purpose for a purpose. 

Find your why. You will be more motivated if you are working towards a purpose than a goal

You will find your purpose in your Ikigai. An Ikigai is a Japanese concept. ‘Iki’ means ‘life’ and ‘gai’ means ‘reason’. Therefore, it directly translates to your reason to live. 

An Ikigai is a Venn diagram with 4 circles/categories:

  • What you love
  • What the world needs
  • What you can be paid for
  • What you’re good at

All of these circles overlap in the middle to form the ‘sweet spot’; otherwise, known as your purpose.

Download the FREE graphic below for future reference. 

Check this out if you don’t know what your purpose is and want more detail.


In summary, you will now know how to stick to your goals if you:

  • Plan smarter
  • Use helpful tools
  • Get an accountability partner
  • Do regular audits
  • Create a reward system
  • Change your mindset
  • Stay consistent, and
  • Have a purpose

Incorporate all of these things into your daily life and I can guarantee you, you will stick to your goals! 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this list of how to stick to your goals. Be sure to let me know if you’re interested in a Notion guide.

Don’t forget to subscribe for FULL ACCESS to my FREE resource library on your way out! 

Love, Steph.

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