The trial month is over, and February is shining bright! However, before we can start a new month, we need to reflect on the old. Welcome to my January monthly recap.
This is a monthly series on my blog where I spill the tea on my life behind the screen, i.e. my not-so-secret diary.
Let’s take a peek into the first chapter of 2025…
This post might contain affiliate links i.e. I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. Your support means the world to me ♥.
January Monthly Recap
The Highlights
As always, we need to start with the highlights:
Ocean vibes – My husband and I spent a week in St. Lucia (the one in South Africa lol), and it was amazing! We went snorkeling, hippo searching, game viewing, and even saw a sea turtle! Go check out my ‘travel’ account on TikTokhere!
Birthday month – I turned 28 while we were on holiday! It was the first time I celebrated my birthday at the beach.
Blog milestones – The blog really showed up in January. Pinterest was on fire and I have two exciting milestones in progress!
All in all, January delivered memories and adventures.
Well, now that we covered the fun bit it’s time to dive into the goals.
As a side note: I am using my printable goal plannerthis year and it’s been very helpful thus far. I highly recommend you check it out! It’s an extremely affordable price to pay for your dreams.
No month comes without its challenges. It’s how we handle those challenges that matter. There’s room for improvement with the following goals:
Reading 30 books in 2025 – I’m at a solid zero lol
Improving my social media strategy – I tend to post consistently for a week and then ghost for two
Achieving my weight goal – January had way too many birthdays for me to focus on a healthy diet *not complaining*
The Goals For February
My goals for February are way more chilled than last month’s. I expected an influx of views over the new year due to everyone planning their goals which will not be the case anymore.
Check out these digital products to level up your life!
Get your Dopamine Menu here ♥
Get your 2025 Goal Planner here ♥
That’s a wrap for my January monthly recap. Now that our trial month is over it’s time for greater heights, bigger goals, and unforgettable memories.
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