Welcome to my not-so-secretdiary! It’s time for my October monthly recap – a month of reflection.
This is an ongoing series on my blog where I spill the teaabout my life behind the screen and share my goals for the upcoming month.
October was a month of reflection and adjustments. Let’s dive into it!
Oh, and if you’re curious about last month i.e. the month of memories, check out September’s vault here!
This post might contain affiliate links i.e. I will get a small commission if you purchase an item through them. Your support means the world to me ♥.
October Monthly Recap
The Highlights
October was good for me. Yes, I didn’t meet all my goals but I still had a lot of wins and lived through wonderful experiences.
So, here’s my highlights:
Worthy Women Conference 2024 – Greta Wiid, a motivational speaker rooted in faith, holds a conference for women nationwide every year. This year’s theme was Psalm 23. It was, as always, an incredible experience; especially when thousands of women started worshipping our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We played with clay *lol* – My sister, mother, and I attended a dry clay pottery class. And it was so much fun! Even if all my designs came out very skewed – I am not creative *lol*.
October wasn’t filled with many big moments like last month, however, I cherished every moment spent with family (and I am grateful to have that daily).
A happy client of my End of Life Planner ♥
Beautiful African Sunset ♥
The October Goals Recap
My Pinterest and blog did not meet all of my goals for October; therefore, I am adjusting some techniques for November.
I hope you enjoyed this October monthly recap, which gave you a glimpse into my life. May November bring opportunities, memories, and cozy experiences!
Stick around, because we are embarking on the season of hope! In other words, there’s a lot of prepping coming for 2025.
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