Life could become incredibly mundane. Romanticize your life to change that.
I become easily bored with everyday life. Which then, in turn, stimulates my impulsive nature.
Then I was introduced to the concept of romanticizing your life, which means bringing joy into your life by spicing up mundane everyday tasks.
These small actions made me feel at ease and increased my mental health. Now I don’t feel the need to go jump off a cliff to get that adrenaline and serotonin boost that often. (Well, with a harness, of course).
The great thing is that you do not need to spend a ton of money, and you can start right away.
Romanticize your life in 18 simple ways. It is simple; yet powerful.
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1. Wear your ‘special’ clothes
We all have that item that is exclusively for special occasions. Maybe you are saving that dress for a wedding. Or you cannot wear that jumpsuit unless it is for a date. WHY?
Put on that dress, even if you aren’t going anywhere. Wear the things that make you feel beautiful.
Life is too short to save it for a rainy day.
2. Keep fresh flowers in the house
I do not understand it, but fresh flowers blow life into your space.
Romanticize your life by putting fresh flowers on the coffee table. I have this thing for white tulips these days. Although, I don’t know where to find any. So let me know if you do.
This is a great way to romanticize your life because you do not have to spend money. Go pick some flowers from the garden and Ta-Da.
3. Create a signature ‘thing’
There is something so elegant about having a signature statement. It feels luxurious, for some reason.
A signature is something that is unique to you. This can be many things, such as:
A preferred statement lip colour
A signature scent (I wanted to add this as a separate point, but it doesn’t seem like an affordable option to everyone)
It doesn’t even need to be tangible, but rather a personal trait:
Don’t use alcohol, or only prefer wine, etc
Eye contact when talking
Confident posture
I am probably known for my love of coffee (this is my favourite coffee) and animals.
4. Light a candle
Candles create an ambiance that gives main character energy.
I love lighting a candle in my workspace. It sets a relaxing mood and it is an easy way to romanticize your life.
In the end, it’s the small things that make the biggest difference.
5. Watch the rain
If it rains, my blinds and door open instantly. There is something about the sound and smell of rain that takes me to another place
It quiets my mind and relaxes my soul. I always sat outside on the porch when it rained back in South Africa. It is my therapy (and a more affordable one at that).
There is so much emotion in zoning in on a natural phenomenon. It is indescribable.
6. Spend some time in silence
I cannot describe the peace I feel in silence.
I am mostly surrounded by sounds, even if it is background noise. My ears need a lot of stimulation if that is even a thing.
I know this is a contradiction, but I believe that is why it is such a strong experience.
Because the moment I switch everything off, I can hear the silence. My brain quiets and for a second I am not escaping the world but I become part of it.
7. Go on a late-night ice cream run
What better way to romanticize your life than with ice cream?
I love getting ice cream at night. It feels different. In varsity, my friends and I would do this numerous times. It is some of the best memories I have from then til this day. This is how I discovered Haagen Dazs (mouthwatering)!
8. Dance to music
I feel alive when I blast my music and dance through the entire house. Yes, I do this very often. Yes, I convince myself that it is the only workout I need.
I cannot dance, so that is not an excuse. There is a reason the quote “Dance like no one’s watching” exists.
Romanticize your life by dancing around your kitchen. I can guarantee a serotonin boost!
Social media isn’t always bad. Sometimes, it can be inspirational and motivational. There is a brighter side to social media. Today, I …
9. Have wine while cooking
If you read my blogs regularly you’ll know by now that I loaf cooking. It is the bane of my existence.
But add in some music and a glass of wine and I might enjoy it a little bit.
As I said, it is all about spicing up everyday tasks to bring you joy.
10. Change it up
Keep it fresh. The whole idea is to fall out of your mundane lifestyle.
Change it up now and again. This could be by:
Go journal outside
Go have a coffee at a cafe and not at home
Study outside
Take a different route for your walk
11. Write a letter to your future self
Ah, this could be the epitome of romanticizing your life if I’ve ever seen it.
This gives off main character energy. I cannot think of a better way to reflect on your life.
I am curious to see what my future self would say about the life I am leading. Write a letter to your future self. It might be surprising.
Find the ultimate guide to writing a letter to your future self here.
12. Create a “Romanticize your Life” playlist
Music is currently my favourite form of entertainment. Probably because I am a “listen-to-the-words” person and not a “listen-to-the-beat” person.
There are so many main character playlists on Spotify already. I also love playlists that are named, for example, pov: your life is a movie, etc.
Give your life some background music.
13. Make a vision board
I do not know what I would do without vision boards. They are the ultimate form of motivation.
I make a yearly vision board, but I strongly recommend you make one featuring your dream life. Be as crazy as you like. Romanticize your life now and what it could be.
Don’t restrict yourself. Put your dream car, house, career, and more on there.
14. Drive around
Once again I prefer this during the night or when it rains. Day drives do not hit that hard.
You can also drive around with a milkshake and go look at amazing houses (that was my second date with my husband).
Tired of your house but do not have any money to spend… Yeah, same.
Go to the mall and just walk around. I loved this the most after going to the cinema when all the stores were closed.
Once again, some of my fondest memories.
16. Have a solo photoshoot
I’ve had way too many cringe photoshoots on my own. I would set up the camera (this is the one I use) and everything.
However, it does feel great when you get a picture that you are proud of. It is a self-esteem boost.
17. Create a slow morning routine
Some mornings just need to be slower than usual. This could be great on weekends.
Romanticize your life by not setting an alarm, drinking a cup of brew in silence, taking a bubble bath, putting on a face mask, and being intentional with every step.
It will set the tone for the rest of your day.
18. Enjoy sunsets
Nothing compares to sunsets. It is probably my favourite time of day.
The painted sky is (also) a therapist.
I prefer an African sunset, though. Especially when it is accompanied by lions roaring or birds singing.